White label ready platform with single-sign on
Expand your brand - leverage our technology

Your company logo and domain - powered by Profet.ai

Profet.ai is a white label friendly multi-tenant platform that can be customized in minutes for your AMC.

Seamlessly launch Profet.ai from your apps using Single Sign On

A simple Single Sign On and User Provisioning implementation using a set of 4 APIs to get you going on an integrated experience.

Export data & analytics into your software - custom formats

At the end of the appraisal analysis within Profet.ai the full report can be exported into any custom format to be ingested back into your software.

Custom integrations into your apps. Ex: home inspection

Integrate any of your existing apps with Profet.ai with ease – push home inspection data straight into Profet.ai for valuation and analytics.

Accelerate your time to market and expand your brand